BassLab reviews in magazines |
Click on the pics to see the complete article. Some are PDF, while others are html. (All translations were done as good and accurate as possible) |
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STD-V "BassPlayer", USA
"Despite the looks I received when I stepped onstage, no one questioned how good the STD sounded!" "The BassLab has a distinctive attack with a sharp, articulate punch followed by an airy warmth as the note blossoms with plenty of sustain."
"The BassLab STD is a lively-sounding instrument with a variety of sounds."
STD-V, Canada
Bassinside 8/2002, Canada: "Sound! In this arena, the BassLab excels. To be completely candid, this thing sounds waaaaay better than one would think it should. " - "It has a shape that would inspire most teenagers, but a sound that would bring an adult musician to the sweats." - "The fact of the matter is that you could easily spend this much (and more!) on 3 or 4 other basses, in endless pursuit of the tones this bass easily presents."
Soul IV "Bass Musician Magazine", USA "...the Basslab Soul IV gave you the best of both worlds: a time-tested look and basic design coupled with truly cutting-edge materials and components." |
L-bow-V "Australian Guitar", Australia
"BassLab should be applauded for staying at the cutting edge of bass creation, blending acoustics, physics and not relying on traditional safe designs.....", 1-page, vol 65/2008." PDF-file, 250kB |

Soul V "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"With a well-balanced mixture of cultivated acoustic components, tight, smooth tonal precision and flexibility, this Soul Custom creates a wide range of particularly harmonic sounds of the best practical value.
This is the right one when it comes to dignified sound culture and relaxed playing with a strong acoustic tailwind. No other electric bass can beat the BassLab with its acoustically-fueled sound dominance!" Issue 08/20, German

Jinmoid "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"The Jinmoid is extreme - even for BassLab - as it is so much trimmed on speed and directness! The clean sounds will make your skin cvrawl!", German , 3-pages, issue 12/2009." PDF-file, 5.1MB |
L-bow-IV "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"Avantgarde: Impressive!", German , 2-pages, issue 06/2009." PDF-file, 1.3MB |
LTheta Classic & Modern guitar "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"The classic produces typical T-sounds, but in a HD XXL-format, with more from everything. A tonal extra-pleasure", German , 4-pages, issue 08/2009." PDF-file, 1.3MB |
Soul-IV fretless Piezo "BassProfessor", Germany
"A phantasmagorial fretless - infinte tonal opportunities. Congratulaions!", German , 3-pages, issue 02/2011." PDF-file, 6.2MB |
Soul-IV fretless "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"It´s insulting, how this faboulously resonant and intense tone soars above everything wooden.... Tonal properties: Sheer lunacy!" German Guitar & Bass magazine, 2-pages, issue 08/2007." PDF-file, 780kB |
"Klangmaschinist" "MO" motorbikinging mag, Germany
"interview and company-portait for the German "MO" motorbiking magazine, 4-pages, issue 01/2008." PDF-file, 900kB |
Interview & company-portrait "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"interview and company-portait for the German Guitar & Bass magazine, 5-pages, issue 08/2007." PDF-file, 2.1MB |
STD-guitar, headless "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"Precise, brilliant, loud and clear... The tuneable composite offers a unique combination of sensitive tone with a high transparancy and musicality in one instrument. " PDF-file |
L-Bow-V "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"Terrific playability and outstanding comfort. The same fantastic sound characteristics, as all earlier BassLab tests proved. Finally, the tremendous resonant and harmonious tone development of the monocoque instrument is the real blockbuster! .... this will make the old wooden bass stay in the corner and collect some dust." |
Soul-IV "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"The unique basslab constriction prooves, that modern materials don´t necessarily need to sound sterile. This bass astoundingly combines sustain and rich overtones with a rounded mild balance and character, that would be an honor for a wooden bass, but easily excels them by richness in detail." |
L-bow-V, "2Sound", Germany
"It´s yellow, it´s remarkable and it sounds phenomenal!"
"Er ist gelb, er ist ungewöhnlich und er klingt phänomenal!" |
STD-V, "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"... Heiko Hoepfinger and his label BassLab are the avangardists of this business and their concept is above all doubts ... featherlight bass-constructions with an ardoring potential for tone. This bass is perfectly well done. Ergonomically, this STD-V is a masterpiece, tonally amazing..... Perfect! "
STD-VI "Gitarre & Bass", Germany "Unbevievably light and even sounds. ... The opulent tonal experience is more than convincing, almost too rich in regard of sensitivity, resonance, sustain and tonal spectrum and - that´s special - a characterful, warm-sounding resonance and balance. An inspiring instrument!" |
DN1000 "Bass Professor", Germany "The most important point fits as well: THE SOUND! ... That´s how a fretless should be! ... It´s remarkable, how natural the tunable composite sounds. ... These innovators will be like fresh air for the complete bass-scene." |
SOUL-IV "Gitarre & Bass", Germany "... not only the look of a Jazz Bass, ... it provides the best sounds of the original! ... impressing and perfect sustain ... pleasant light weight ... to our biggest surprise, it also represents the tonal character of the original, revamped with with an impressively even sustain and tonal balance." |
SOUL-IV "Bass Professor", Germany
"... perfect imitation of a Jazz Bass... fantastic sounds...
"Fazit: Dieser Bass macht Spass! ...... Der gute Sound des Soul-Basses ist gemeinsam mit den vielen weiteren positiven Attributen, wie äußerst geringes Gewicht, ausgiebige Shapings, gesundes Sustain, kräftiges Attack, erstklassige Bespielbarkeit etc., ein deutliches Argument für einen ausgiebigen Check mit Lizenz zum Verlieben!
BassXX-Preamp "Gitarre & Bass", Germany
"This effective tone-control convinces with a well sounding, musically chosen sound variety. It´s remarkable, that there is no difference between passive and active output signal arises.... Supercompact, noiseless and clever construction."
STD-V, guitar&bass mag, France"Well balanced tone, translucent heights, detailed mids and precise low end. The ergonomic bass!" |
STD-IV, bass-mag, France"The goal seemed to be of biblical dimensions: build a light-weight, handy and modern instrument with a sound never heard! The back is sculpted like the human anatomy and the good balance is surprising. Sitting or standing: it´s a feather-weight. Excellent sustain and unexpected sound details, combined with warmth in tone. A lot of personality, which captures not only the ear, but also the eye.. The professional concept and overall quality are promising!"
creative people, France"Design d´un objet culte" |
Soul-IV "Guitarra Total", Spain "The only drawback is, that I can´t afford one right now and have to give it back." Best qualification note and "recommended product of the month! |
L-bow-V "Bass Magazine", Japan"Everything on this bass is innovative! ... The complicated carved line of this bass is extremely sexy and shows the luthier's overflowing passion for making a real new instrument. ... Once a skilled player uses this bass, it shows it´s true value!" |
STD-V "Bass Magazine", Japan"Due to the construction, the vibration becomes alive and tight - a huge low-end, but still warm like wooden basses.
The material is artificial, but it has a really acoustic, warm tone." |
Soul-IV "Bass Magazine", JapanIt looks like a normal Jazz-Bass, but once you pick it up, you will be surprised by the lightness. ... No other instrument is that innovative and out of common. ... You can make the tone whatever you want with the active preamp and its 3-band-EQ. ... The acoustic tone of this hollow construction is big and characterful." |
STD-V "Muzikus", Czech Republic Czechian, PDF-file |
BassXX preamp "Muzikus", Czech Republic Czechian, PDF-file |
STD-V "Muzikus", Czech Republic Czechian, PDF-file |
BassLab History "Muzikus",Czech Republic Czechian, PDF-file, 260kB |
Soul-IV and L-bow-V "FUZZ", Sweden |
STD-guitar and STD-V bass "MM", Sweden |