A few years ago, we did our first trip away from strings, when we were kindly forced to start experimenting with drums - or better snares - by a person close to us.
We once again used our "tuneable composite" - beginning with the idea of using an acoustically non-absorbing material.
As our other instruments, these drumshells are extremely light, but more importantly, we wanted to transfer our standard values like attack, definition and sensitivity to non-stringed instruments.
We - and several persons, who were able to check them - really liked the result. We will continue to push this further, whenever there is time. We also hope to have some sound samples in the near future.
The Stick XBL™
We´ve done several Stick XBL™ prototypes for STICK Enterprises Inc. with BassLab sub-contracted through-neck beam construction. Here is a coverage and report of Stick-player Greg Howard, describing his impressions at the Frankfurt Musikmesse event, we shared! You can also read the comments of those, who could already try them.
NS-Design Viola
This viola is another project, once done with and for Ned Steinberger.